Wednesday, September 16, 2009

On the Middle East and US Involvment

The United States has a right to be in Afghanistan, and possibly Pakistan, however, the US should not be in Iraq. The Taliban, a terroristy organization that attacked the US on its own soil, are being harbored in Afghanistan and possibly Pakistan aswell. I should hope with every ounce of my being that the military seek undying retribution from those people who not only committed atrocities against our country, but also unspeakable ones toward their own countrymen. If this statement is not made to the world, then attacks could escalate, terrorists need to know who they cannot escape from. The issue with Iraq is that Sadam Hussein, while a terrible person I am sure in need of a serious spanking from his mother, did not require US involvment because it is a discriminatory act which we lack the funds to correct. What we should have told Iraq is that we only have one candy bar and there arent enough for china, somalia, or sudan and if you all cant share what we have to offer, then none of you shall have it. Except Afghanistan. They arent telling who put the tack on our chair so they deserve it the most.

1 comment:

  1. You show a lot of personal vehemence on this topic Andreas I love the the last quote "They aren't telling who put the tack on our chair, so they deserve it most" I may not share the same view as you do but I can certainly appreciate your sentiments.
